I stepped into a fairy tale

My Day began as i feared it would. Glum. It was gray out, the rain was about to fall and I had nothing to do. So rarely do I have a saturday to myself. I was so hopeful that something fun would happen and... Nothing!
I worked on my apartment, making sure that it was clean for the week. And then an idea came to mind. Maybe I could make dinner for Dave and I could invite his friends to come. And so while I was grocery shapping I waited for his reply. I had a feeling it wasnt going to work out (I'm pessimistic that way) but I figured I should try. I got home, rented a movie and had everything working out and still had heard nothing from Dave. Then the familiar sound of my phone went off. It was Dave saying that his friends couldnt come so thanks for the invite but it can't happen. So, my guess was right. Im not really a pessimist, just a realist.
I made dinner for myself and began to think of other people who I could invite over. It was sad when I could think of no one. I mean my sister is married with three kids, everyone else I know is married or getting married or they have a life. So, I started to feel even more glum than before. I had no friends, nothing to do, had to spend my Saturday all alone...
I ate my dinner. I was proud of myself for making something. I made a slight mistake but it wasnt too bad. My burritos were a mix of Indian and Mexican. And as I started cleaning up I started really feeling sorry for myself. I was working myself into such a horrible state that I was ready to cry for nothing. Then I snapped out of it.
Katie Millar is not the kind of girl who sits around thinking about herself and feeling sorry for herself. It was raining outside and she loves the rain. So, I decided I would go out and enjoy the rain. I didnt know where I was going or even how long I would be gone. In my head I kept telling myself not to go to far incase Dave was going to happen to show up. Then I almost slapped myself and told myself that I needed to live my own life and be me. I need to stop thinking I have to be with him every time I have a moment to myself. It isnt fair to him either. He has other things I'm sure he would enjoy doing. Hence letting things just lie still unless he wants to do something.
So out I went into the rain. I went through one park and then decided to go down a street I had never been down and then decided to take a path I didnt normally take and it lead me right to the Arboretum.
It was here t

I continued along the path as though I were in a world completely of my own. A few strangers snapped me out of this bliss but it was hard to keep me from going back into my imagination. I crossed a bridge and could just picture a troll living under it... yet not an ugly and mean troll. I was so happy, no negativity entered my world.
As I turned back and headed towards the magnolias again I began to think of the Lord. I saw Robins eating worms and other birds singing their beautiful tunes, God made these plants and animals for his glory and they all praised him. Either with their beauty or their song... The smile on my face only grew as I thought of my heavenly Father. How amazing heaven will be if I could feel as though perfection were around me with those beautiful trees and animals.
I thought of the Psalms. So often they speak of the animals which live in the trees or how God provides for them. Watching the trees looking so beautiful and the birds eating their worms, I was just amazed. God has clothed them beautifully and yet he clothes us with even greater splendour.

God rescued me from a very negative place today. I was sinking into myself which is never a good thing for anyone to do. I forced myself into Gods creation and what a wonderful experience it was for me. I have found a place where I will remember to go to any time I am struggling with self pitty. God is good.
I love the pictures Kate and am very glad that you were able to snap out of feeling sorry for yourself! Good job...I know how hard it can be positive and not dwell in self pity! I wish that I could have come over and eaten dinner wiht you=)
9:41 PM
Kate, We love you and are proud of you for doing a really difficult thing - refusing self-pity. May God continue to strengthen you in times when you feel alone.
11:29 AM
I guess i should admit that i didnt take those pictures. I definetly found them on the internet. I am not talented when it comes to picture taking. Pat, you're still the pro in my books and i come no where close to doing it that well.
5:48 PM
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