This week was an interesting week.
Sunday was really nice. I spent the day with Dave playing Frisbee and having a lot of fun. It was s sunny and pretty warm in the sun. We went to his Oma and Opa's for lunch and i chatted with his aunt for a bit.
That evening I got a little weird. It was as though the stress just hit and i had no idea what to do. I got quiet and I didnt know what to say. Alll i was thinking about was how on earth i was going to accomplish anything for my classes on Monday. It was review week you see. Testing, presentations, report cards... and i had no idea what i was doing. I didnt have a lesson because we werent using the textbook and i was worried about filling time.
Dave knew what was up because when he dropped me off he eneded up sticking around even though i didnt know so when i text him and was all sad and worried he asked if i wanted to talk about it and he was just outside. So we were able to go and talk. It was really nice.
And the week turned out to be quite awsome. Monday i did some reveiw and some games. Tuesday i did more review and games. Wednesday i gave my test ( thats right! i wrote a test for my students). It was pretty good. I felt bad for them though. I hate tests. And the worst part was my final section of it, everyone of my Asian students seemed to struggle with. All i wanted was a debate. Three point for each side on why men need or dont need affection and women do. But they couldnt really do it until the last 20 minutes of the hour. However, when correcting, i descovered that that they all, except one, understood and made great arguments.
Thursday i had presentations and we corrected the test and today we have conferences. we meet with the students one on one, give them their report and ge tthem to write down their goals for the next semester. I actually have no idea what i am suppose to do for it today but i am not stressed about it. All my paper work is done, so i just have to talk and figure out as i go along. Aren't new jobs fun!?
Dave went for his interview and testing at Waterloo yesturday. He didnt tell me much about it except that he thinks it went well. I hope it did for his sake. I know he really wants to go there. I think it woule be good for him to be with his friends and on his own. And they do have a really great program apparently. Why settle for less?
Anways, I have to finish getting ready for work so i should likely stop writing to be able to do that. Im actually sitting here wondering what else I can be doing before work. I dont want to get there early when i dont have to. Im sure I will find something.
P.S. Here is a picture of my niece on her trike. I think it is so cute seeing her ride her bike. Please note that her shoes are on the wrong feet. A typical three year old and Caelah thing to do. If you tell her that they are on the wrong feet, most of the time she will tell you in her stubbourn way, "No, they're not!" I love being an aunty.

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