This, that and the other thing

Saturday, March 25, 2006

I'm so spoiled

While i sit here at my computer i am surounded by things that make me realize just how amazing I have it. And that being only one aspect of my life: Dave.

Honestly, my desk is against a wall and the monitor is so big there is room for little else on it. And yet, Just by looking at my computer screen i am reminded of him. Beside my computer sits a printer. Dave brought this to me out of the blue because he knew i needed one. It works wonders and boy would I die without it.

In front of the printer i have placed a glass cup holding a huge bouquet of flowers from him. I know i wrote about it already but i have to mention it again because they are what triggered this post. I couldnt fit all the flowers into a vase but i didnt want to separate them either, so i placed them in one of the glasses from our kitchen. It is working very nicely. The flowers are all so colourful and match so well, and some are a kind that i have never had before. Absolutely beautiful.

Directly above my computer screen sits Dave and Katie bear on their swing. there is a picture of these guys and the swing in an earlier post so i can't really describe it... just go look for it.

So much effort was put into everyone of these things (especially the swing). Dave made the swing, he had to drive in to give me the printer, and he was sick yet bought me flowers just the same. Could a girl ask for better? I look at these things and think of how spoiled I am and how I already fail at being the same way for him. He's a special man and its sad that i am only human so am unable to be perfect. Thank the Lord that he knows that.


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