Strange Dream!!!

Last night i dreamed of such unrelated and weird things. Its odd to think you collect things from within a day and then put them into your dreams. Yet last night, only some of the dream can be called for from the day. Most of it is completely random.
It started with me walking with a baby seat and Connor by my side. We crossed a busy street and had to climb under this construction contraption. I kept trying hard not to hit the baby seat against any of the metal bars but at times I failed. When I put the baby seat down, after finding a place within the consrtuction zone, my niece was sitting in it (much to old to be in a baby seat) and a part of it broke off. Caelah then told me that she was nervous to be sitting in the seat while it was breaking apart. However, the parts that broke off dont even exist on a baby seat. There was this large screw thing that some chairs have to adjust its height and then a straw holder that was tucked under the seat. Why a straw holder?
Suddenly, I was no longer with Caelah and Connor. I was in a pub that

I then woke up to Dave sending me a good morning message. Im glad he did. It was a strange dream I was in.
Connor and Caelah made sense... but nothing else did. The busy street reminded me of Montreal but there wasn't much construction going on while I was there. I can't even begin to understand how our minds work.
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