A most wonderful Valentines Day
I have always believed Valentines Day to be overrated and really quite stupid. Guys rushing out to buy girls flowers at the last minute, girls frustrated to find the perfect gift for their guy... it was and is all about buying something for someone to show them you care. I dont believe it really works that way though.

Dave arrived at my place to pick me up at around 6. while i was walking up the stairs to leave, he mentionned that he made me something and that I would have to help him bring it into my place. I got outside and what should be in the truck, but a table and four chairs. He built me a table and chairs. He knew i needed one so he made it. It is beautiful too. He painted parts of it forest green which really makes the wood look beautiful. He was up until early hours in the morning doing the finishing work... What as sweetheart.
The we went out for dinner at Le Baton Rouge. Nice place but you can feel out of place if you arent used to eating a fancy places. Dave said he felt slightly out of place but i have gone to fancy places and i felt just fine. We tried catching amovie after that but it didnt work out so he just came over and saw some of my baby pictures and my groeing up stages. I think it worked out for the best.
I had bought Dave tickets to David Copperfield thinking he really wanted to go. I was wrong. He wanted to get his parents tickets to go... so im still trying to figure out if i can return them or sell them to someone else. See what happens when you spend money you dont have? It comes back to haunt you. Dave said he would enjoy the show but since i cant go with him he really wasnt to enthused about going. Since i thought he really wanted to go i thought it wouldnt matter if i was there so much, since it should be an amazing show. Either way, it entreched my feelings about Valentines Day. Work on something from the heart rather then with money. i am thankful i wrote him a letter and made him a card and some cookies. At least those things were from my heart.
Either way, i loved Tuesday the 14th. I was in amazing company and I learned a lesson i already knew but this time it is really learned and i succeeded in getting over my screw up with no tears at all.
I hope everyone else had a great Valentines day. If not, my friend once told me "Happy Single Awareness Day!".
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