How Come...?

Why is it that whenever I have someone who is trying to sell me something i cant just say "sorry im not interested"?
Yesturday i got a call from someone from HBC rewards and they managed to sign me up for some sort of insurance thing. The moment i get it I will be calling to cancel it. Why didnt i save myself the trouble and simply say i wasnt interested? Cause i dont like interrupting.
Today i got a call from some lady. She saw my poster for ESL tutoring and so i though i had a potential job. She asked me if i was looking for extra income and then went on this long rant about how i should come to this information session...bla bla bla. So tomorrow i am going to be attending an information session for something that i dont even understand. I dont wish to sell health products and i bet i am part of this ladies pay check. Why do i even answer my phone?

I got a call from the blood donation clinic. They had me make and appointment to donate blood. I actually did show up too but they had an hour wait so i just left. They then called me and asked why i missed my appointment and if i wanted to reschedule. I told them it was inconvenient for me so no i didnt. But honestly, couldnt i have said that before the first appointment i made?
SO, the moral of this story is, honestly, dont agree to anything you arent interested in. Learn to just say "not interested" or "NO" or even just hang up. Now i have to go meet some 65 uyeat old woman and attend some stupid meeting and waste my time on a Saturday for somethign i know i wont follow up with. Sheesh! the webs i weave. Learn from me. Im not terribly happy about my fear of saying no.
Yes, just because I have to, I had that same problem, but one moody day I snapped at the persistant voices urging me to buy Life Insurance, Join Jehova Witnesses, Donate to Countless Charities, etc, etc, on and on... Once said, the first honest NO, you are on the way to recreating your entire self.
5:03 PM
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