Missing hair
I got my hair taken off yesturady morning. The lady who did it was quite sweet. She was 23 and she talked to me about her boyfriend and his children the entire time. It was neat. I wasnt expecting to hear about children in the story but they have been together for 3 and 1/2 years so they seem to be doing pretty well. Against most peoples predictions.
ANyways, at first i was a little sad with my hair because as she was drying it it was making itself into a big puff ball on my head. i thought i had a tennis ball head. but then she added some very light product that tamed down my poof head and i felt much better.
My mom and sister love it and Dave said it looked good. You never know if it is just said because it has to be but i will take it as an honest complement.
Im afraid to wash it this morning though. See, they style it but i dont know how. So, if I want it to look any good, it usually requires me to leave it for as long as possible. I dont have product and i dont have a hair dryer. And if it sucks and i cant do it, its too short to pu ll back. I cant even pull it half back... So, it could be a disaster. And im not sure if i want to find that out today or tomorrow. i have a bit of time to decide.
It certainly is odd, though, to run your hands through your hair and have it stop before your shoulders when it used to go down your back. Its like "ah, im missing hair!"