Since I have known Dave, he has always wanted a motorcycle. After watching a road trip movie with Ewen in it, he decided it was time to get one. So, about two months ago he went and bought a bike. I have to say, I find it a lot of fun to ride on.
This was the Youth Car Rally. They had two hours to find as many things on the list I gave as they could. This team was the winners... although I kind of think they cheated now.
This is Dave and I when we went on the youth hike. I have to say it was a pretty pathetic hike but I thought the study afterwards was pretty good.
Here are the youth who came. When I say youth, most of them are 18-20. I think they had a good time.
And finally, Canada Day. It was so good this year. We had one of the best views in the house and it was so wonderful. I don't know if I have ever seen such good fireworks. They were exploding right above our hears and falling towards us.
I desire to serve the Lord in all that I do. Mostly, I desire to be the woman and wife that He would have me to be. ~ "Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her." Proverbs 31: 28~
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