This, that and the other thing

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Red Roses

May 17th marked Dave and my's 6 month anniversary. Although some would say "it's no big deal its only 6 months." I praise the Lord for every day of it. In six months you can get to know someone pretty well. I still have a lot to learn and always will but i have seen some insight into who David van der Meer is. God willing he has seen more of who i am as well.

Dave has been very busy building a house. Its a two apartment house so he is at the stage where he needs to make two bathrooms, two kitchens... and all i know is that it takes a lot of time. He's been working from earlyin the morning until about 10pm everyday.

I assumed i wouldnt see him yesturday. He had so much work to do and a deadline to finish for but at around 7 pm he showed up at my parents place where i was and brought with him some roses. He appologized that there were 12 and not 6. I just smiled. ( i have a picture on my new digital camera but i havent had time to read how to download the pictures yet so ill post them later.) He is such an amazing man. We sat on my parents portch and chatted for a little bit before he told me that he had to go and pick up a kitchen so he could install it. He came to visit me and give me flowers and then went right back to work. I should learn from him. His work ethic is admirable. Dave gave me a litft home and then we said goodbye and he was off. I then realized i left my phone at my parents so i ended up having to walk back anyways... but walking is good. I do a lot of it.

Other news: I get to see a friend i havent seen in quite some time. She arrives from Scotland today at three thirty and my sister is going to get her since i will be at work. Then we are all going to a party for her to welcome her home and it is her birthday on Sunday but that is when she is leaving. The reason of her coming is because of a friends wedding. I am so excited for that as well. Ill be sure to include pictures of that as well in a later post.

My friend (Helen) will be staying at my place with me. I am excited about it but nervous. Will she actually be able to sleep? Not only is my bed as hard as rock but my upstairs neighbours are a pain in the bottom. SO LOUD!

I am actually going to look at a new apartment under my sisters place today. At leaste i know there are no domestic disputes there. Just some noisy children who are in bed by 8. It may be too small but that is what i will check out.

Other then that, its test week at the school so i have to be a mean teacher and give my students an exam. I hate having to give tests. Especially when i find out my students didnt study... it kills me. I know its their fault but it sucks just the same.

Anyways, I should go get a bite to eat before i go to work. Sorry this was a long time coming. And I promise i will have some nice pictures to post soon.


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