Learning and growing
Its an interesting thing, growing up. Everything seems so much harder and yet in a sense more pleasant because you can look back on memories. The bad ones are never fun to look back at but i have so many good ones that the bad ones rarely surface unless someone asks about them.
I am sitting here in my room listening to a concert i sang in. Its so precious. I am thankful that i have some physical memories. I mean, i have proof of them. I have such a terrible memory that i always worry about forgetting about such dear things and not be able to help it. I should really try to keep a journal but i am so bad at being consistant. Even with this blog. i cant keep up all the time.
Now i am going to totally change my direction. i cant think of a smooth transition so i will jsut tell you that i am transitioning.
I was teaching my Sunday school class this week. I have children from 5-7. We were dfinishing up our lessons on the fruit of the spirit. The children were going to learn about goodness. I decided to bring in some good foods and some bad foods to demontrate how sometimes if we can taste and see something we can tell if it is good of bad. Then we covered them and decided to try again. And i tought them that we cant always tell what is good and bad by looking at them. Then we moved on to the fact that it can be the same with people. I was sadened when i heard a little students tell me that you can tell someone is a bad person if they have peircings. I mean, people have different possitions on that but why does a 7 years old already judge someone by their appearance? should they have been taught that it is about the heart and how they live? they might look rough but are really soft and so in love with God. I made my mission from that point on by drill them about how it is the fruit someone produces that can teach us weather they are good or bad. It is so easy to be legalistic. I know i fall into it sometimes, and it was good to teach the children. It taught me as well. God is good.
Anyways, i managed to make it home in good time so that i was able to make dinner. So rarely do i actually get to be domestic. So i should probably go check my dinner before it burns.