When It Rains, It Pours!

Its amazing how it isnt ever just one bad thing that happens at once, but rather, a whole storm of things that go bad.
I am certain that in my life right now i am surrounded by Spiritual warfare. I mean, as Christians one is always caught in the middle of a battle but sometimes they are harder to see. You seem to have moments of peace where your walk with God is going well for you and everyone else around you.
Lately, this is far from the case for me. In all areas of my life i hear of trouble and stuggles. It makes me cry that the areas that seem to be the most apparent are legalism and rules. Didnt Jesus speak to everyone about this? That it isnt about the rules we follow or the things we do but about love and faith and grace....? I mean, why do people have to make a free life one that is lived in chains?
I wish i could be less criptic but i cant. But my heart is heavy for things that are happening all around me. I am learning to be in prayer like never before... Its where the power is. God hears and answers. The best thing to do is know that and do it.
The thing that burdens me the most is that rather then people sharing the Love of God, they are passing judgement. And on silly things that ultimately dont matter. Why do people have to sit and judge others when they ahave things to fix in their own life? And when something needs to be dealt with it can be done with love not judgement... I just dont see it. Lets e

I am passionatly upset about all these things. I understand that there are problems that need dealing with but not by passing judgement and holding grudges. we all need to love a whole love more. At least, if we want people to see who God really is that is how we should act. Otherwise we are simply showing people who dont know God a life that they would much rather live without since they think its all about rules and being like everyone else.
When it rains, it pours. I just wish it could pour good news sometimes.