Poor Tiki
Today i went on a cleaning rampage. I got some special dusting stuff that was suppose to reduce allergense and so i cleaned the house and vacummed it all up. Im hopeful this will make a difference in my morning sneezing. Im hoping there will be no sneezing at all but i think that may be too wishful.
While i was sitting down after my cleaning however, i heard this horrible noise and realized it was my kitten, Tiki. It sounded a sthough she was screaming. I had no idea what it was. i thought maybe a squirrell had made it in to my house and she was freaking out. then i realized she had managed to get her paw stuck in the door. I wasnt sure how to get her paw out of the door so i tried moving the dor ever so slightly and she started screaming even louder. So, i tried to move her out ofthe door and when i touched her she went nuts. I have never had a cat bite me so hard. Her teeth sunk deep into my finger and caused me to bleed in three different places. It still hurts and this happened at least an hour ago.

I dont know if you can really see it. My cell phone doesnt take the best pictures but you can see that in the middle of my finger ther eis a red gash. That woulc be from one of Tiki's teeth ripping my skin. The tip of my finger has another puncture and tear which you can only kind of see. There is another cut on the other side of my finger since she has teeth on both the top and bottom of her mouth.
I wasnt sure what to do. I know if you are normally bit by an animal you are suppose to get a shot but she has not been outside in contact with any wild animals and she had reason enough for biting me... she was scared and in pain. Now my poor kitty is lying on my coat on the table in the kitchen. she has her paw out and isnt putting any weight on it. i really hope it isnt broken or anything. I have never heard a sound like what she made before. I guess that will teach her not to chase things between the crack of a door. I really think she is a cutie though even though she causes so much trouble.
As for me, first i rinsed the wound, then i put salt on it and rinsed it again. Next i went and got rubbing alcohol and cleaned it with that then following that i got a cut of warm salt water and bathed my finger for a while. In short, i think my finger will be ok. Its sore but it could be worse. It could have be a rabid squirell.
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