So as I promised, i got you guys a picture of me with my glasses on. Do i look more intellectual? I sure dont feel it. Maybe i just a bit dizzy. and i think i look like i am fighting sleep in that picture. And my face looks long andim not smiling... im gonna stop looking at it now.
wow, I have to come back to the fact that i tool this picture of myself. Do you know how hard it is to get a pcture of yourself on a cell phone? This one still sucks and that was after i dont know how many tries. For some strange reason, the phone pictures always make you look FAT! I sent one to my friend Vijay and he probably thought i started eating a whole lot when he went back to India ( isnt that right Vij?)
Behind me is one of the only things i have in my room to make it nice. And as you can see, it is mostly empty as well. Sad office eh? I want it to look al cozy and nice but when are you suppose to decorate your office when you are suppose to be working? (not that a lot of that happens here with me, i usually write on my blog or write e-mails). You cant hide the fact that you arent working when you decorate your office though. So... ya.
I was accepted for an appartment. I am so excited because i ge tto moev out in November. I just found out though that the day i mentioned i was moving out my six year old brother cried all day about it. I dot remember him doing that at all. It may seem strange to many of you but i am his second mom so itsa big deal for him. (Me being 22 and him 6) But i plan on making him feel very important during the moving process so he might become excited about it. My 16 year old brother on the other hand will be rejoicing when he hears i will be leaving. He is so excited to have his own room finally.
I am wearing this awsome skirt today that is from Guatemala. I would put a picture of me in it because i love my outfit today but i dont think i can do that with my cell phone on my own. it would be quite interesting if i could. But it is just very colourful and nice. thats why i like it. (cause most people like things that arent nice, duh)

This is the most wonderful thing i get to see at work and its been three weeks now. It is a man on a cherry picker painting the outside walls of my building. i think i mentioned it a while ago and how it was giving my headaches. If not, it was and is. First he was removing ivy from the walls, then he was filling the walls holes and then he had to cover it al up with some pain thting and then... second coat. So, at the moment he is gone. It is the first lunch hour i have had in ages withuot hearing the engine right outside my office. you have no idea how nice it is. And not having to smell the plaster or paint they were spreading on the wall has been very nice as well.
I am sure he is a very nice man but i was not happy that his job had to be outside my window. I remember walking into my office and sitting down and then i turned my head and saw this man at my window. Heart attack anyone? I almost had one thats for sure.
Im listening to the Spice girls. Its fun. Viva forever. its a pretty snog and it is the only one i have so no one has to disassociate with me. that would make me sad because i would have to stop listening to the song. Friends can be replaced but good music is hard to find (just kidding about the replacing my friends).
Anyways, i think thats enough from me today. I shall write another time.
i don't think it made u look fat on dat pic... i've had way worse pics and wen i look at dem i wonder y i still have frenz coz i looked so hideous! but itz all about d proper pose and angle... and datz wat i try 2 achieve wid every shot! hahaha
10:42 AM
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