First i woke up in absolute agony because i decided to go running again and over did it for starting up again. So my legs are in pain. So i could barely walk but i went running again just the same. I didnt feel anything until after my shower when i attenmpted to come down the stairs.
Next i got to wrk and did absolutely NOTHING all day. I hate having nothing to do. It makes me bored and sad and annoyed. I downloaded musci nd talked on MSN all day. Brutal!
Next i went to dance but locked my keys in the car. i was lucky that my trunk doesnt close and had been tied shut with a hanger so i had to shove my arms in the trunk crack and undo a hanger blindly.
Then i got lost... in my own neightbourhood. How does one do that? I guess you have to be me. So now i sit here and i am filthy from the car and tired from work and dance and running and walking and my new roomate is not home yet and she has a tendancy to get lost so far, so i am a little worried about her. So i will just have to wait and hope.
Some good news: The Sens won their game against Toronto. It had to go to shoot outs and they won. YEAH!!! Not that i care too much. But i bet it made Dave mad, didnt it Dave?
Well, may my day tomorrow go better then today. i know for sure i wont be running tomorrow. I bet i wont be able to get out of bed tomorrow:(
yay running! boo overdoing!
hope u feel better!
1:38 AM
Is that trunk still the way it was after I busted it? I hope not.
4:22 PM
ya, the trunk is sure the same as when you busted it. But it made me happy because i was able to get into my car because of it instead of receiving the half awake rath of my mother when i would have had to call her to get a key... that would not have been fun.
11:39 AM
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