Welcome to the 40's.
Have you ever wanted to live in another era? Things may have seemed simpler or more fun. Well, i dont think i would love to live in the 40's but i certainly love learning about past eras and what they did. Most of all, however, I love the adds and the styles they had. Its also fun to see that they go in cycles. Some of these styles are coming back into our lives now.
Something that i found was really neat was some of the slang that teenagers said. Here are some of the things that i found were:
Doll Dizzy- Girl crazy

Dilly- a cute girl
Blackour girl- a cute girl
Able-Grable- a cute girl
Some of Hitlers work, no doubt- Unattractive girl
Void Coupon- Unattractive girl
Share crop- a sexually promiscuous girl
Khaki Whacki- boy crazy
Active duty- a sexually promiscuous boy
Drooly- a cute boy
Greeby- terrible
Duckyshine cracker- good dancer ( i like this one the best)

Some fo the other things i always love are the propoganda posters or the war. I find the ones trying to recruite the women the most interesting even though i am by no means a modernday feminist. I just think they are fun. And it would certainly work in the 40's. Women were starting to be treated as people who were needed not only at home but out in the working world. Here are som picutres that i found that i really enjoyed.

Are they not fun? I mean I can totally see how it works. People get paid big money to come up with advertisments that people will eat up. I mean it is propoganda and they know how to make their job work. I mean even if you dont smoke, did that lady make the cigarette look good? Or factory working, didnt that lady make it look attractive to be working in the factory making bombs? Its

Now, welcome to the 40's family? How many of you have a family who acts like that? I bet in the 40's they didnt either. But they all tried to look like it i bet.
Some of the activities that Youth and toung adults liked to do were:
Going to the movies
Bowling ( i love bowling)
Listening to records
Going dancing
Playing Golf or Tennis at the club
Going to the race track
They dont seem that different do they? we usually listen to CD's and our dancing is different and we use rollerblades instead of skates but otherwise it seems to be the same thing.
Toys and stuff however, they are things you dont find our kids playing with these days.
Electric Train sets

Plastic Toys ( thats not changed)
Pedal cars
Paper dolls
Daisy Red Ryder Air Riffle (????)
Balsa wood Airplane kits
Midgitory die cast vehicles (???)
Raggedy Ann and Andy
Radio Flyer Wagons
Tonette flutes
Colouring books
And as for this picture here? SO CUTE!!! Am a girl or what? I love the seemed Nylons though. During the war, women used to dray lines on their legs to make it look like thay were wearing nylons because the wouldnt afford to actually buy them. Girls and women never really change... well i guess they only seem to get less conservative.
Anyways, thats my entry on the 40's i jut had so much fun finding all the pictures. I dont normally surf the net but i did for this and it was fun. i guess it depends on your interests.
12:54 PM
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