Welcome to this session of Katie's blog. Today i have absolutely no idea what it is I plan to talk about but i thought it would be fun to just type whatever it is that pops into my head. Is everyone ready? I sure hope so cause this will likely not make much sense to anyone but myself. Although perhaps a few people might recognize some thoughts pertaining to them or other people they know, the majority of it will go right over their heads. And i am able to say this even though i havent actually started to talk about nothing. Amazing that this introduction can go on for so long eh?
Im not sure where one starts with a stream of conciousness because they have to have an original thought. My mind seems to be pretty empty at this moment... except for the fact that i get to go out tonight with "the boy" and that is alwaya fun and gives me a nervous/exciting feeling. I am meeting "the friends" tonight and that shoudl be... well i tend to just get a little quiet around new people.
Dinner is yummy. i get to go out and eat tonight. Does anyone else ever worry about who is paying when they go out for dinner? I always feel weird when it comes to paying because what if the person is thinking that they dont want to pay but they are doing it because they think you expect them to but really its just a big misunderstanding.
I went to a Tim Hortons on the way to Montreal and the picture above is the sign that they had in the parking lot. I was surpirsed i didnt see "Breathing" on that list. Everything is not allowed in that tiny parking lot. However i had someone tell me that i would be surprised with what happens at small places like that in small towns. So i shut my mouth. The sign is still i riot... at least i think so.
My eyes are burning. I have been sneezing all day and have used a whole kleenex box just because of allergies. What sucks most about that though is that i dont actually know what i am allergic to. Something in the air and it is very unpleasant.
Knitting is a lot of fun. I finished making a scarf today... well i finished what i could. i dont actually know how to finish a scarf. Anyone else know how? i think i am going to take it to someone i know tomorrow and have them teach me how to finish my scarf. Its a really nice green colour. I find myself a big fan or Green and purple these days though it seems i find myself a big fan of lots of colours these days, each day brings another favourite colour. I cant seem to make up my mind on anything these days.
Cake is really yummy, i got to eat a birthday cake last night with candles that were put on my cake to for a 22. it was fun, though the candles were all too close together so it was easy to blow them all out. Chocolate chip cake was what we had and i always love that cake. Some would think it was boring but i enjoy it very much.
My stream of conciousness is making too much sense so perhaps now is the time for me to end it. I did listen to my dads song that he wrote me today though. i love it so much. I always want to cry when i hear him singing it. I get embarrassed when it gets to the part where he is unable to sing because he lost his voice so he speaks it and it isnt quite on beat but it is a precious gift that i will treasure always. he wrote me another poen this birthday too and it is also amazing. To have a gift with words... i would love it... but we all know i dont. Anyone who reads this can say that with certainty.
I really have to pee. So that will end my stream of thought that was too understandable i find. i appoligize for its lack of humour... it was much too normal.
i lyk ur stream of consciousness attempt!
6:49 PM
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