I dont think many people ever come to this site aymore because I am so bad at updating. The idea of sitting in front of my computer is much less desireable now that Dave is back in town and not away at school.
The big news is in the title. Dave and I are getting married. Hopefully September 28th. We are waiting on the reception hall to tell us how much of a deposit they want and then we need to book a church but after that we are set to start everything else.
This is the reception hall we are waiting to hear from. We know we are allowed to use it we just need to give the deposit before it really is ours for the day.
This is the first thing you see when you go to the site. A beautiful lane lined by maple trees.
I get to go wedding dress shopping in two weekends. I am very excited. This weekend i am away at a retreat with the women from my church but then after that its Montreal to visit my Aunty Laura and get the wedding clothes for the women finished... I hope I hope I hope. Id post up the website that I found my potential dress on but I dont want Dave to happen upon it. That's no fun.

Hopefully i will remember to let you know how the shopping goes after we come back.